Flat bread

Flat bread

Do you like flat bread and you don’t have enough time to cook them? Here is a recipe you can try for yourself, it is quite fast and it is also a very versatile recipe and you can use these flat breads as side for many different dishes.

Ingredients for 4 pieces

  • 130 gr flour
  • 85 gr lukewarm water
  • 7 gr oil
  • 7 gr instant yeast
  • 3 gr salt


  1. First start by putting a flour in a bowl and mix it with the instant yeast and salt. Make sure that the mixture is very well blended together.
  2. Now add the oil and the lukewarm water. With the help of a fork mix everything together. Once you obtained a ball of the dough, you can use your hands to mix the dough Image 1.
  3. Now put the bowl in a warm place and cover it with a towel. Let it rest for at least 30 minutes Image 1.
  4. Once the time has passed, divide the dough into 4 small balls of 50/60 gr each. Roll it into a circular shape with diameter of 10/15 centimetres. Image 2
  5. Take a pan and put in on the stove, cook the flat breads once at the time (usually it takes for minutes each side) until each side reaches a brown colour Image 3.
  6. Once the flat breads are cooked, you eat them with any ingredients you like as for example some cream cheese, cooked/boiled vegetables or you can even use it to prepare some wraps Image 4.



  • For this recipe, I used multi-cereals flour instead of white flour. You can substitute it with other type of flours too.


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Published on 25 March 2022