Pasta with zucchini, potatoes and sausage

An extravagant pasta sauce

As you might know, Italians love pasta and there are so many different combination and ingredients you can put in a pasta dish. This recipe is resulted from ingredients that my boyfriend and I found in the fridge.

Ingredients (for 2 persons):

  • 180 gr pasta as for example spaghetti
  • 1 zucchini
  • 3 medium size potatoes
  • 2 sausages
  • 1 tablespoon of crème fraiche
  • Salt
  • Curry


  1. Let’s boil the pasta. So put the water in a pot, add salt and let it boil. Then put the pasta in the water and let it cook.
  2. In the mean you can prepare the sauce. First start with pealing the potatoes and washing them.
  3. Put some oil in a pan and let it become warm, then add the potatoes and let it cook for 5-8 minutes.
  4. Then wash and cut the zucchini in a cubical form. After 5-8 minutes add the zucchini to the pan and add some salt.
  5. Last, take the sausages and slice them. Let the potatoes and zucchini cook for 10-12 minutes, add the sausages to the pan and let it cook for 3 minutes.
  6. After 15 minutes have passed since you put the potatoes pan on the stove, add the pasta which will be ready.
  7. Finally, add the tablespoon of crème fraiche and the curry. Stir it and serve it warm.


  • If you are vegetarian you can remove the sausage and add whatever other ingredient you please.


  • Long type of pasta as for example spaghetti or fettuccine are better suited for this pasta as they are integrating better with the ingredients, but you can also use any other type of pasta you have in your home.
  • If you need to cook this dish for more then 2 people, usually you calculate 80 gr of pasta per person.


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Published on 29 July 2020