German Mohnkuchen
Since I tried Mohnkuchen for the first time in Germany, I loved it. It is a cake with poppy seeds filling. In Italy, we do not have these type of filling for cakes, but Germans have many different variations of this cake. Every time I go back to Germany, I make sure to come back with at least one package of poppy seeds mixture because it is a bit difficult to find in other countries. If you are lucky enough to find this mixture in the supermarkets, you should definitely try this recipe.
Ingredients for the dough
- 200 gr flour
- 125 ml milk
- 125 ml sunflower oil
- 1 egg
- 70 gr brown sugar
- 15 gr baking powder
Ingredients for the filling
- 1 package poppy seeds ready mixture (Mohn back)
- 120 gr Natural Skyr
- First step is to break the egg in a bowl and mix it with the brown sugar. The mixture should reach a creamy/foamy consistency. For this step I suggest you to use an automatic mixer.
- Next you can place the bowl on a scale and weigh all the other ingredients - oil, milk, baking powder and flour. The order does not matter. When all ingredients are in the bowl, mix them until the consistency is creamy. Once completed, set the bowl aside for the moment.
- Now it is time to prepare the poppy seeds filling (in German called “Mohn back”). Pour the poppy seeds mixture in another bowl and add natural skyr. Mix it with a spoon until the ingredients are blended together. At this point you have two bowls: one with the poppy seed mixture and the other one with the dough mixture.
- You can now proceed to assemble the cake. Pour half of the dough mixture in a baking tray of 15 cm diameter.
- Then with a spatula, spread the poppy seed mixture evenly on top of the dough mixture. Once this step is completed, proceed with pouring and spreading the remaining half of the dough mixture on top.
- Bake the cake in a pre-heated oven for 20 in at 180°. Then your cake is ready to be served with some hot tea.
Main tools needed:
- Mixer
- 2 bowls
- Spatula and spoon
(tap on the pictures to open full screen)Image 1 Ingredients
Image 2 Mixing egg and sugar
Image 3 Egg and sugar creamy mixture
Image 4 Mixing dough ingredients together
Image 5 Preparing poppy seeds filling
Image 6 Poppy seeds filling
Image 7 Preparing the layers
Image 8 Final Result